The church is to get new flooring
It has served the church faithfully for 130 years, but an attack of woodworm has left us with no option but to replace the whole wooden flooring.
The cost of work is in the region of £45,000 and we are reaching out for assistance with this. The parish have some great fundraising ideas planned, but if you would to contribute directly to the 'Restoration Fund', the bank details are below. Any contribution, no matter how great or small, is very gratefully received. Bank: Barclays Account Name: Diocese of Middlesbrough Sort Code: 20-56-90 Account No: 30281026 Alternatively, cheques/cash can be made payable to 'St Patrick's Restoration Fund' and sent to Fr Pat c/o Christ the King Presbytery, Trenchard Avenue, Thornaby, TS17 0EG. If you are eligible for Gift Aid, please click here to complete your declaration. |